About me
I never expected to become a coach. I worked in the corporate world as a management consultant at McKinsey, and at an edtech start-up.
But even though I was pretty "together" in my life and felt happy a lot of the time, there were a lot of things that just didn't feel quite right.
I started doing some self-reflection on my own, and realized that there were a lot of things that weren't working about my life — my relationships, my work, where I lived, and how I ate. I made some progress on my own, but it was working with a coach that completely changed the way I thought about and acted in my life.
Since then, I’ve been coached many times. Every time, I’m astonished by how potent, useful, and loving coaching can be.
A few examples of (many) lessons I’ve learned while being coached:
How to know what I want, with confidence
I often struggled to know what I wanted, especially about the big things, like choosing a college major or career path. Decision-making seemed to involve a lot of pro-con lists + asking other people’s opinions — and it often felt like I was spinning in circles. People who were clear and decisive felt like completely different beings. Maybe aliens?
I am astonished by the fact that today, I am one of those people. Not that I never doubt myself (hey, I’m human!), but I typically have a calm, grounded “knowing” about what is right for me.How to get more of what I wanted
The skills I’ve learned through coaching have helped me to quit my job, build a new career, make more money, cultivate deeper relationships, and achieve many other things that felt freaking hard when I first considered them.How to feel much less anxious, and more clear and decisive
I have long had — shall we say — a very “active” mind. My active mind can get anxious and can think that I’m never as good as other people or that I’m often doing something “wrong.” Coaching taught me concrete skills and techniques for shifting my thoughts — to believe genuinely new things. I’m often astonished, actually, about my opinions + thoughts about situations that used to really stress me out.
I believe that most of us won't have a life path that is 100% linear — which can be a challenge for those of us who want safety and certainty. It certainly was for me! Support in finding our way through the windy path of life can be another way that coaching can be useful.
More about me
I love to read, and I have a soft spot for romances of all kinds. I used to be a card-carrying member of the Jane Austen Society of North America (this is a real thing), and I also love a contemporary comedic, romantic novel.
I made my husband promise to help me find + procure high quality baked goods as part of our wedding vows. I love high quality baked goods — and delicious food, more generally.
I love to walk. I plan vacations around cities or country scenery I’d like to walk in (+ cuisine I’d like to eat, of course).
I have a sweet husband + sweet, mischievous 4-year-old fraternal twin boys. My husband would want you to know that he is 100% Portuguese.
One of my sons has epilepsy and severe developmental delays. A big part of my journey, these past few years, has been figuring out how to advocate for him + support him, medically and developmentally, with neurologists, speech/occupational/physical therapists, hospitals, insurance companies, IEP meetings, and more.
My professional credentials
I'm a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF), the only independent licensing organization for coaches. I completed my coach training and Integral Coach certification with New Ventures West, one of the oldest coaching schools in the profession.
My undergraduate degree is from Princeton University, magna cum laude.
Work with me
I’m based in Los Angeles (Glendale), California, and I work with clients around the world, via video conference. If you'd like to work with me, you can learn more or schedule a free consultation here!
I'd love to hear from you.