On my podcast, Now We’re Getting Somewhere, I share the same practical + deep insights I share with my 1:1 clients, about how to have a life that is more meaningful, happy, and successful.
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Episode 50: Dealing with professional + creative rejection (Q&A)
Today, I'm answering another question in today's podcast episode from a newsletter subscriber. Emily asks:
“When do you know if it's the right time for a career change? or How to deal with rejection?”
Episode 49: An idea for traveling
In the self-development space, there's often so much content about "seizing the new year."
I can sometimes find it exhausting, so today, I wanted to share a shortie podcast episode with an idea that you might not even use just yet. Today, let's talk about travel.
I share the story of how I realized this little idea was worth sharing + a little more about how I implement it.
Episode 48: How I started a women's group — and how you can, too.
If you’re starting to dream about the new year, I want to propose something that would significantly improve your year in this podcast episode: Start a women’s group in 2025.
Episode 47: When you're not going to f*cking meditate
In today's episode, I'm giving you examples of some tweaks you can make when you might not have the most time for self-care.
We are approaching a very particular time of year. There are holidays, extra activities and events, and it’s a lot. So today I’m sharing what to do when you’re not going to fucking meditate. Or do three pages of fucking journaling. Or take an hour-long fucking walk.
Episode 46: Feeling held by the world
In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing a concept that helps keep me feeling grounded, with hopes you can start feeling held by the world too.
Today I want to share about "feeling held by the world." It's a desire, or need, that underlies many other problems - if you're frustrated in your friendships, if you can never be as productive as you might like - this might be a concept that helps you in unexpected ways.
Episode 45: “How do I assess and make good decisions for my future after a divorce?” (Q&A)
I am answering another newsletter subscriber question today. Camilla asked:
“I’ve just gotten divorced and not worked for some time while we relocated abroad and tried for a family. I have to get back to work but I’m scared and worry about how to communicate my career gap.”
Camilla's question is about charting a new path after a divorce, but I think it's also a question about much broader themes: how to figure out our next steps at any season of our lives, and how to balance our future needs with our current needs.
Episode 44: Maintaining friendships when you're exhausted + overwhelmed (Q&A)
In this podcast episode, we're going over how to maintain friendships when you are exhausted and overwhelmed.
Today I’m answering another question from a newsletter subscriber. J asks: “How do I find time and energy for friendship when I'm exhausted by work and parenting?”
Episode 43: It might not be a logical decision (at least not in the way that you think)
In today's podcast episode, I'm talking about why a non-logical decision might actually be more productive for you. Here’s something I’ve said to three different clients just this week:
It might not be a logical decision.
(At least not in the way that you think).
Episode 42: Getting your ego out of the way (Q&A)
In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing my thoughts on how to put your ego to the side when making a decision (and what I recommend thinking instead.)
A newsletter subscriber recently asked: “How do I get my ego out of the way when approaching a career transition?"
She's used to having the "credibility shortcut" of being a lawyer, and a part of her mourns that she won't have it in the same way — even though she likes her decision to try a new direction.
Episode 41: Radical friendship insights from my father
Today's podcast episode is about sharing some wonderful insight into how my father keeps up his friendships.
Some time ago, I wrote about what I’ve learned about friendship from watching my dad. People tell me, over and over, that this piece about my dad really touched them, and really stayed with them.
Episode 40: Hannah’s Story
Today on the podcast, I’m interviewing my wonderful former client, Hannah.
Hannah came to me when she was going through an extremely tough season at work, and wanted to make sure she navigated that season skillfully, and also didn’t let it completely negatively impact her personal life.
Episode 39: Basking
Today, I'm talking about basking, a body-based way of relating to people. Basking allows us to take in different, often quite useful information, and often produces different results.
On this episode, I explain what basking is + how I learned about it originally.
Episode 38: When nothing is "wrong," but…
This week on my podcast I'm sharing some tips to help when you're feeling stuck in your life, even if nothing is actually wrong.
I recently asked my newsletter community if there were any questions they would like me to answer on the podcast. I got some really good ones and today I’m answering this high-level question:
“How do you advise people who are dealing with that general feeling of "stuckness”?”
Episode 37: When you’re not seeing results
This week on my podcast I'm giving you some hopeful words when your results aren't happening as quickly as you want them to.
Sometimes we go through periods where we do not see outside progress or results, despite taking the action. And that can be....frustrating (to put it mildly).
Episode 36: Self-development realism
This episode is about self-development realism. To me, self-development realism is acknowledging the *reality* of your limitations when it comes to implementing ideas from podcasts, on instagram, or books.
You can consume as much self-development content as you’d like, but I don’t want you to get frustrated or overwhelmed by it.
Episode 35: Agitation
In this episode, I talk about agitation.
If you're thinking: "What the heck is agitation, and why does it matter?" - well, this episode is for you. I'll start by defining the term - and make the case for why you should definitely care. (A lil' hint: ever struggled to stop doing something that doesn't serve you?)
Episode 34: A rant for people with Energetically Expensive Lives
Today’s episode is a rant that I would like to share with people who have Energetically Expensive Lives.
It’s a rant that I have been sharing with some of my clients who have energetically expensive lives, and it’s a rant that I just sometimes rant to myself, as I’m taking a walk, and feel fired up about these big, mistaken ideas that people with energetically expensive lives have.
Episode 33: The Princess and the Pea (A Sensitivity Story)
Today I am sharing a concept I’ve developed over the past year or so. Like most of my best concepts, it came out of my work with my 1:1 clients.
One of my clients was extremely sensitive - which was both an incredible strength for her, and also caused some real suffering. I developed this concept to help her better understand what was going on for her - and also how to move forward.
Episode 32: Communicating with men (advice for women + everyone else)
Today’s episode is for anyone who needs help communicating with men.
I’m back with my husband, Gil, to share some ideas about how to communicate with men.
(This is part 2 of the series we started in Episode 31, where we discussed communicating with women.)
In this episode, Gil and I share our best tips for communicating with men, and pull back the curtain of our marriage a bit, too.
Episode 31: Communicating with women (advice for men + everyone else)
Today’s episode gives advice to men for how to communicate with women.
In coaching my male clients, I realized that there were some common challenges that they encountered, in communicating with their female partners — and that I could often help them communicate far more effectively!