Episode 42: Getting your ego out of the way (Q&A)

In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing my thoughts on how to put your ego to the side when making a decision (and what I recommend thinking instead.)

A newsletter subscriber recently asked: “How do I get my ego out of the way when approaching a career transition?"

She's used to having the "credibility shortcut" of being a lawyer, and a part of her mourns that she won't have it in the same way — even though she likes her decision to try a new direction.

Today, I'm sharing more about what I think *really* hurts when we feel like our ego is in the way — plus four thoughts I recommend thinking when it happens (that have been helpful to me + my clients).

My hope is that it’s useful and supportive to anyone who is struggling with this — because I know so many of us are.

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Episode 43: It might not be a logical decision (at least not in the way that you think)


Episode 41: Radical friendship insights from my father