A 1-minute quiz to help lower your stress (especially during the holidays)

Whew. It’s been a year, huh?  

When we’re tired (and at this point in the year, so many of us are tired), it’s easy to get a little overwhelmed by it all. Then we either do too much, do nothing, or get kind of reactive and weird.  

So, instead, I propose that we do a teensy exercise together, to get a little more intentional.

Katie Seaver, life coach, instant stress relief, I don't feel like doing anything, daily wellness, how to manage your energy levels, taking baby steps, how to make a change in your life


  1. What’s your #1 priority, this week?

    (My favorite types of priorities are for how I want to feel — e.g., calm, grounded, engaged, energized. But you can choose whatever you’d like.)

  2. What 1-3 things can you do this week, to help support this priority?

    (Important: Make them things you’d actually like to do!)

And we’re done!

I don’t have the energy for a long self-reflection today. There are still Christmas decorations to clean up, after all. But want to see my answers?

1. What is your #1 priority, this week?

Feeling like my nervous system is calmer, and more grounded.

2. What 1-3 things will help support this priority?

  • Lowering my internet usage. I was so exhausted for some of this month, that I let myself do more internet vegging than I typically do (see: Level 1), but it’s getting to the point where it’s now making me feel more anxious, and my brain more foggy. Time to move to Level 2.

  • I want to focus my eating on calming, blood-sugar stabilizing foods, to help myself feel more grounded and slow.

  • Letting myself get a little bored. I’m not working much this week, and it can be tempting to fill the time with lots of fun things. But I find some slight boredom to be really energetically nourishing when I’m drained.


Feel free to send me yours, if you’d like. I’ll read each one.

Or start a text thread with friends where you each share yours!

Or just write it on a Post-it + put it next to your desk!

I’m wishing you a beautiful end of 2021. And, as always: I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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