
Energy + Burnout Katie Seaver Energy + Burnout Katie Seaver

Waiting for a break in the storm

Here’s something I often remind myself: 

There are seasons when every day is a good day for an expedition. The height of spring, for example. It’s sunny, it’s breezy, and a bit of a burn feels nice in the legs. Go get ‘em, tiger. 

And then there are other seasons. 

Katie Seaver, life coach, I don't feel like doing anything, burnout coach los angeles, making life more balanced, setting intentions, getting more energy naturally

In those seasons, every day will be a difficult day for an expedition. 

Amidst the swirling rain, the howling wind, and the blankets of snow…it will take all you’ve got to put one step in front of another. And even with superhuman effort, you’ll move slowly, sometimes backwards, get lost a lot, use up all your energy in the first half-mile… and get very, very wet. 

(Did I mention that you’ll get very, very wet?)

In those seasons, you have two options: 

  1. Wait for a break in the storm.  
    Wait for a time when it’s not so swirly, windy, or rain-y. Wait for a time when you can take a break, and take some clear steps.

    Of course, this may not be often. In certain climates, at certain times of year, there may be days, weeks, or months where…it is honestly a terrible time to undertake an expedition.

  2. Go anyway.
    You can always go outside, even in the worst of seasons, and start the trek anyway. That’s fine, too. But it will be a frustrating trek — just like it would be frustrating to wait inside for a break in the storm.

Honestly, all the options are kind of frustrating, in certain seasons. 

I think I’ll say that one again, because I need it, too: all the options are kind of frustrating, in certain seasons.

I don’t say that to discourage you. I say that to remind you: 

Spring will come again. 

Expeditions will feel good again.

Just not in this particular season. 

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this. 


p.s. I’ve noticed that this seems to be a moment for deeply considering one’s life — what do we want from our days? Are we moving in a direction that is truly right for us? If that’s true for you, coaching might be a useful source of support, inspiration, and direction. Here’s more information about working with me, if you'd like.

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This is for when you don't feel like doing anything

Here’s something I’ve been reminding myself lately: Something is better than nothing.

Katie Seaver, life coach, I don't feel like doing anything, working smarter not harder, how to manage your energy levels, lack of concentration and focus in adults

Oh, I opened my internet browser to “quickly check something important” …. and now it’s 10 minutes later and I’m watching unnecessary YouTube videos?

Something is better than nothing. Ideally, I would’ve closed the browser eight minutes ago. But now is better than 30 minutes from now.

Oh, I thought I would just bake chocolate chip cookies without eating any dough … and now I’ve eaten eighteen spoonfuls?

Something is better than nothing. Ideally, I would never overdo it on cookie dough. But stopping now is better than eating ten more large spoonfuls in a weird haze.

Oh, I’m sitting down to write and I have nothing to say? 

Something is better than nothing. Ideally, I would always feel confident that I’m a great writer. But promising myself, “Your only job is to show up for 15 minutes; it doesn’t matter what you produce” is better than nothing (and can often lead to that solid hour of good writing).

Oh, I have no motivation to move my body today but know it would be good for my mood?

Oh, I don’t have enough money to max out my 401(k) and my emergency fund?

Oh, I have a goal, but I don’t have as much time and energy to pursue it as I’d like?  

In case you’ve forgotten:

Baby steps count.

Partial credit is real.

Something is better than nothing.

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As always, you’ve got this. I’m rooting for you.


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