
Authenticity + your inner life Katie Seaver Authenticity + your inner life Katie Seaver

Tired all the time?

When I was training to be a coach, one of my mentors said to me: “One of the most exhausting things you can possibly do is try to be someone that you’re not.”

Katie Seaver, life coach, why am I so tired, do I need too much, how do I reduce anxiety and self-doubt, following your dreams, I feel sad all the time

And it was one of those moments when a gong is rung, and the after-waves of noise have rippled through my life in the years, since.

One of the most exhausting things you can possibly do is try to be someone you’re not.

I’ve found it to be true on a macro level of a life: the fastest way to completely exhaust ourselves is to pretend we’re someone we’re not when it comes to career, our partners, or where we live.

But I’ve also found it to be true on the micro level: a cocktail party can be exhausting or grounding, depending on how true I am to myself. An interaction with a cashier at the grocery store can be neutral, or life-affirming, depending on how authentic I am.

I remind myself of it constantly, and I’ve said it more often than I can count, to my clients. So today, I wanted to make sure I said it to you, too:

One of the most exhausting things you can possibly do is try to be someone you’re not.

(And, of course, knowing who you are + what you want is not necessarily straightforward. Here’s one place to start.)

As always, I'm rooting for you. You've got this.


p.s. I help my clients develop clarity + direction for their lives — and actually make meaningful progress towards a life that feels right to them. I currently have two spots open for new clients; you can find more here about working with me. 

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