
Here's the (kinda wacky) way I tried to make new friends as an adult

Sometime this spring, I found myself craving 1-2 more deep and meaningful friendships. I wanted friends who lived nearby (here’s why), who were deep, self-aware, and thoughtful, and who were willing to show up consistently to build a relationship.  

I wondered: What would be the most direct way to find these friends?

And then, in a flash of insight, it came to me: I should write a classified ad!

Katie Seaver, life coach, meeting new friends as an adult, HSP coach, how to make friends as an adult, how do I start making friends, how to have deeper friendships

So — as one does — I wrote a 6-page Google Doc. I described what I was looking for, who I was, and who my ideal friend might be. It included lots of references to feelings, showing up authentically, and high quality baked goods.

Then I took out an ad in Claire Mazur and Erica Cerulo’s awesome newsletter, linking to that Google Doc. 

Much to my surprise, it kinda… made a splash.

People were…fascinated by it. Excited by it. They wanted to do one themselves, and they wanted to know how my search was going!

Claire and Erica even invited me to come on their podcast to talk more about the process — what inspired me to do it, what I was looking for, and how it turned out so far.

If the idea of a friendship classified ad excites or intrigues you, here’s where you can take a listen.

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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