
Knowing what you want Katie Seaver Knowing what you want Katie Seaver

One thing that often holds my clients back from making decisions

Remember how we talked about confusion last week? I wanted to add a quick additional note (something I tell clients all the time):  

Sometimes the reason we are mired in the Land of Confusion is because we are not yet ready to take action.

Katie Seaver, Life coach, why is it so hard for me to make a decision, I only know what I don't want, how do you know what to decide, trust yourself, how do I figure out what I want

If we took action…

We might have to find a new job.
Have a really dicey conversation with our mom. Or our boss.
Get divorced.
Do something that our friend wouldn’t like.
Make some tough financial choices.

So here’s a reminder:

You can know the explosive, scary, radical thing… and not take action until you are ready.
You can know the explosive, scary, radical thing… and not tell a single soul yet.
You can know the explosive, scary, radical thing… and keep your life exactly the same for as long as you want.  

But just knowing it — clearly + explicitly, within your own heart + mind — it will make you feel calmer, more grounded, stronger.

It will help you.

And you can wait as long as you freakin’ want to actually move forward.

As always, I’m rooting for you in the week ahead. You’ve got this.

p.s. Interested in working with me for new 1:1 clients? I have a few spots open for new clients. I’m a skillful, experienced coach, and there is nothing that I love more than blowing my clients minds about what’s possible for them. (I know that’s cheesy, but it’s true.)

Learn more about working with me here.

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