
Knowing what you want Katie Seaver Knowing what you want Katie Seaver

The medicine works if you take it

Here’s something I’ve been telling a few clients lately: 

The medicine works, if you take it. 

Here I’m talking about whatever it is, that helps you feel the way you want to feel: 

Less stressed
More energized
More focused

Katie Seaver, life coach, how do I have more energy, can I trust myself, how do I reconnect with myself, why can't I find my purpose in life, how to find your path in life

While many of us could use some new ideas or fresh perspectives, we also typically have at least one idea of something that would help us to feel the way we want to feel. 

We’re just… not yet doing it. 

And look — I will be the first person to raise my hand and say…there have been many times when I didn’t have the capacity to do the things that would serve me. This essay is 0% intended to make you feel guilty.

But I have also observed that it can be times when it is incredibly empowering to have someone who really, really cares about you look you in the eye and say: 

Hey, you don’t *have* to do this thing. Zero pressure. But also… if you want to feel better, you know what the medicine is. You can take it anytime. 

So let this email be me — softly, gently, with compassion and love oozing out of my pores — reminding you: 

Hey friend. The medicine does work, if you take it. Would you consider taking it? 

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this. 


p.s. I specialize in working with people who are already pretty “together” in their lives — paying their bills, meeting their commitments. But just because your life looks pretty good on paper, doesn’t necessarily mean that it feels right to you, from the inside out.

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