
"Should I trust my gut or listen to others?"

I just want to set the record straight:

You can take care of yourself better than anyone else in the world.

Katie Seaver, life coach, should I trust my gut or listen to others, why do I struggle to trust myself, how do I figure out what I want, gut feelings, trusting your instincts

Yes, of course, we need help.

Yes, of course, we can’t do it alone.

Yes, of course, we must draw on the wisdom and guidance of professionals and parents and family members and friends and doctors and lawyers.

Yes, of course, we can’t be subject matter experts on everything.

But you know what I see happening, far too often?

Brilliant, caring women and men feel overwhelmed and lost and insecure because we've forgotten…no one can take care of us better than we can.

Sure, all of those “experts” might have opinions till they are blue in the face….

But only you can know whether you need twelve hours of sleep tonight, or five.

Whether you need a spinach salad or an apple tart.

Whether you need to push through to finish the project or take a break.

Whether you need a big hug or a big scream or a big whole afternoon alone.

We know what we need if we are willing to listen. 

What do you need, today? 

Right now?

I know you’ve got this. I’m rooting for you.


Superfans may notice that I originally shared this post back in 2018. While I’m on maternity leave, I’m sharing some of my “best-of” posts from my archives — I hope you enjoy! :)  

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A reminder about trusting yourself

I just want to set the record straight:

You can take care of yourself better than anyone else in the world.

Katie Seaver, life coach, how to trust yourself and be confident, trusting your instincts, why do i struggle to trust myself

Yes, of course, we need help.
Yes, of course, we can’t do it alone.
Yes, of course, we must draw on the wisdom and guidance of professionals and parents and family members and friends and doctors and lawyers.
Yes, of course, we can’t be subject matter experts on everything.

But you know what I see happening, far too often?

Brilliant, caring women and men feel overwhelmed and lost and insecure because we've forgotten…no one can take care of us better than we can.

Sure, all of those “experts” might have opinions till they are blue in the face….

But only you can know whether you need twelve hours of sleep tonight, or five.
Whether you need a spinach salad or an apple tart.
Whether you need a big hug or a big scream or a big whole afternoon alone.

We know what we need if we are willing to listen. 

What do you need, today? Right now?

If you'd like to share, let us know in the comments :)

Like always, I’m rooting for you.


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