
The intimidating journey

Just something small to share this week. It’s a passage from one of my favorite books — Swamplands of the Soul, by James Hollis — which has been haunting me lately.

Katie Seaver, life coach, what is my purpose in life, how do I reconnect with myself, how to find direction in life, what do I want for myself

Hollis writes: 

“Indeed, next to the fantasy of immortality, the hardest fantasy to relinquish is the thought that there is something out there who is going to fix us, take care us—spare us the intimidating journey to which we have been summoned. 

“No wonder we run from such a journey, project it onto gurus, never quite at home with ourselves.”

Something electric flashes up my spinal cord every time I think about “the intimidating journey to which we have been summoned.” 

When we are quiet, unstimulated, many of us have a sense of what we are being summoned to do next. It might not be saving the world — it might just be getting our affairs (or our brains, our emotions) in order. But there is something for us to do, and no one can do it for us. 

So I will invite you to ask yourself: what is the journey to which I am being summoned? 

And: How can I stop running from it? 

Because, in my experience, true satisfaction and meaning comes from heeding the call.


I’m rooting for you in the week ahead. You’ve got this.


p.s. Hollis is right: no one can spare you from your own “intimidating journey.” But working with me can provide just enough clarity, insight, and encouragement that you won’t run from it anymore — so you can take steps forward and build long-term momentum. 

Learn more about working with me + apply for a consult here.

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A reminder, when you're trying to figure out what you want in life

Here’s a Sunday Reminder:

You probably do know.

Katie Seaver, life coach, figuring out what I want in life, how to find direction in life, how do you make a major life decision, big decisions in life

As in, if there’s something in your life — in your career or a relationship or personal choices — that you “don’t know” what to do about, there’s a good chance that you know more than you think.

Have you taken time to really be alone, unstimulated, and reflect on the question? There’s a good chance you’ll be able to get clear on:

  • What you do know right now

  • What experiments or actions you need to try next, in order to find out more

  • Who or what might be able to support you in figuring out more

  • What is un-knowable for the moment

Many of us use “I don’t know” as shorthand for “this is a hard situation.” But hard situations are precisely when we shouldn’t lie to ourselves about what we know!

You probably know a lot already. You probably know plenty to get started.

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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