
If it's a good idea...

Here’s something to live by: If it’s a good idea, it’ll still be a good idea 10 minutes from now.

Katie Seaver, life coach, what makes something a good idea, what makes a good decision, what to do instead of worrying, how are you supposed to handle difficult feelings

If it’s a good idea to check Instagram (or your email, or YouTube)…

If it’s a good idea to eat that cookie (or that apple)…

If it’s a good idea to send that email … 

…It’ll still be a good idea 10 minutes from now.

I’m sure we can all think of rare exceptions to this rule — times when if you don’t do it right-this-very-second, it will be a problem. If one of my babies is about to touch an electric socket, for example, I’m not going to wait 10 minutes before moving him away.

And yet, far too many of us have the opposite problem.

We do things that don’t serve us. We eat, use technology, and tell our loved ones or colleagues things… that would probably be better left un-done, un-said.

And if you want to get next-level on this, you could even say: If it’s a good idea, you will be able to lie on the floor for 10 minutes, and still want to do it afterwards.

(The idea behind this: lying on the floor tends to calm our nervous systems. So if you still want to eat a cookie/check your email/browse Instagram even after your nervous system is calm, it’s probably that you actually want the thing, and not that the thing is your way of numbing out from the discomfort of being a human.)

Might you be bold enough to…try it?

I’m in your corner rooting for you.


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