Episode 30: Julie’s Story

On today’s podcast, I’m sharing an interview I did with my former client, Julie.

Our coaching work together covered many things – including a deep dive into decision-making + how to get better at it. In our conversation, Julie and I talk about:

+ The list of super-useful thoughts she cultivated about decision-making (which you should absolutely steal).

+ The 4-part decision-making process she developed in our work together (which she now uses to help the people she loves – like her roommate — make big decisions).

+ Her ability to tell the difference between feelings/thoughts that are “swirl” vs. “navigational.”

+ And more — including more about what it feels like to get coached!

I found myself grinning throughout this interview – Julie is such an insightful + creative person — and I’m sure you’re going to love it, too.

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Episode 31: Communicating with women (advice for men + everyone else)


Episode 29: “What actually happens during a life coaching engagement?”