My coaching philosophy and approach

My coaching integrates logic and reason with emotional, somatic, and relational intelligence.

I’m focused on you as a whole person.
I’m interested in all parts of you, leaving nothing out. If you are struggling with a specific problem at work, for example, we will likely also discuss your relationships in general, your environment, your self-care habits, your sources of anxiety and pleasure, and more. Often, if we’re struggling with something, it will show up across more than one part of our lives.

My approach is practical. We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can:

  1. Make sure that we are using strategies that are as effective as possible, and

  2. Make sure that we are acting in a way that is in alignment with what we truly value.

Acting effectively and in alignment with our values can have a significant — if not radically significant — effect on our lives.

My approach is developmental. Many of us think that we're "done" developing once we hit our twenties, but nothing could be further from the truth. As we face new opportunities and difficulties in our personal and professional lives, we need to continue growing and learning. That means that we will be focused on helping you develop skills that will help you meet both your current challenges, and also challenges that arise after our time together is over.

My approach is kind and playful. My goal is to meet you where you are and for coaching to be a fun experience, as much as it is a deep and powerful one. There’s sometimes intense feelings in a coaching session, but typically, there’s also a lot of laughter.

My approach is focused on fostering agency. At the end of the day, this is your life. What do you want out of it? What are you committed to? I am here to point out blind spots, offer new ideas + models, suggest actions, and more — but coaching will only work to the extent that you do the work. 

Have other questions?

Or schedule a free consultation with me!