“Who are your typical clients?”

Most of my clients are professionals — typically, late twenties through fifties — though I’ve worked with clients 22-70.

My clients have included art directors, lawyers, digital marketers, computer programmers, coaches, writers, doctors, project managers, actors, MBA students, and more.

Many of my clients have been in therapy before, but are looking for something….more. More actionable, more potent. They want to feel like they are rolling up their sleeves and actually changing. Life coaching feels like that.

“Can life coaching help me?”

Working with a coach can be useful in many ways:

  • Maybe you're not sure exactly what's "off" about in your professional or personal life — but you feel stagnant, anxious, trapped, or burnt out. Working with a coach can help you more clearly define the the problem.

  • Maybe you do know what's wrong — but you're not sure how to move forward or keep putting it off. A coach can help you to develop and implement a practical, useful action plan for getting that screenplay written or finally prioritizing what matters most.

  • Often there's a blind spot we're not seeing, or an opportunity to develop some skills that would help us thrive more in our own lives. Coaching can help with that, too.

“How can I be sure that a coach that I hire is qualified?”

Such a great question! I share a bit of information about credentials in the world of coaching here.

Have other questions?

Or schedule a free consultation with me!