What happens during life coaching?

Here are just a few of the many things we’ll do together:

  • Define what you want + value

    This is an easy concept to grasp intellectually, but in reality, many of us struggle to clearly know what we want — from life as a whole, and from this day or week or month, specifically.

    In our sessions, you’ll build what I call “navigational equipment” — the skills to actually know what you want in life. You’ll define your wants + values in words, too.

  • Take action to get you what you want

    We’ll work together to identify concrete, doable actions, and then help you overcome each of the obstacles along the way (and there are typically many obstacles — external and internal — that’s why you haven’t done this already!) We’ll also adjust course as needed.

  • Help your brain to feel less chaotic, anxious, confused, sad, or …bad.

    This is particularly important for smart, cognitive folks — who often have the messiest, most chaotic minds. The way we are interacting with our brains often makes us feel anxious, unmotivated, or confused — but this can be extremely hard to see + intervene in on our own.

    I will help you calm your mind, and also think new thoughts about the world — which might sound impossible (it did to me at first!), but is actually very real and actionable.

  • Implement quick wins

    My clients are usually shocked by how many quick wins they can implement right away, to feel better or make progress in the direction of what they want.

  • Assign homework

    I try to make sure you leave every session with something actionable — a new action to try, something to observe about yourself, or a question to gather data on. Then, in our next session, you report back on what you learned.

    I am careful to “assign” only what you can handle — some clients want tons of “homework,” and other clients need something that doesn’t feel like extra work at all, but just blends seamlessly into their days.

Have other questions?

Or schedule a free consultation with me!