What topics can life coaching help with?

Here are just a few topics that I help clients with:

  • Feeling “off,” or like you’re “going through the motions”
    This might feel like: stuck, confused, dissatisfied, uninspired, uncreative, “going through the motions.” Life coaching can help you better define what’s going on and identify concrete ways to intervene.

  • Career
    Add more value at work while also feeling higher (often shockingly higher) levels of well-being. Step into leadership roles, or roles with greater responsibility, with more confidence + effectiveness. Make sure your career path reflects your truest values.

  • Progress and productivity
    There’s something that you know you want — to start a business, write that book, get booked as an actress — but you struggle to make meaningful progress.

  • Meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment
    “I know I should be grateful for __________ (a job, a partner, a life), but it just doesn’t feel right.” This feeling is real, and can be addressed.

  • Well-being
    Too many of us are chronically tired, anxious, stressed, or burnt-out. Is this really how you want to live your life? Especially if you don’t have to?

  • Relationships
    We’ll talk about friendships, family, and romantic partners — how to cultivate relationships in which you feel seen, supported, and deeply connected.

  • Doing things that don’t serve us
    Eating, technology use, working too much, being too busy all the time. This is something of a speciality for me.

  • Money
    Money can be intimately related to questions about being a “good person,” self-worth, relationships, family, career, anxiety, and well-being.

  • A bunch of other things
    Coaching can help with people-pleasing, confidence, making decisions and taking decisive action, comparing yourself to others, envy, and more.

    Have other questions?

Or schedule a free consultation with me!