One (nearly effortless) way to improve productivity

Some time ago, one of my clients came to our session very stressed about a huge project with a deadline several months down the road. She was applying to an MFA program, while also working a job — and needed several excellent writing samples, plus recommendations, personal statements, and more.

Would she get everything done in time?

And would she be able to do it, while balancing it with her other priorities (relationships, physical and mental well-being)? 

Katie Seaver, life coach, how can you improve productivity, how to feel more energized and focus, what are 3 ways to increase productivity, why am i feeling so overwhelmed and unmotivated, why can't I follow through

But as we talked about it in more detail, it became clear that this goal could be done, with ease and spaciousness, if she worked on it for an hour in the morning, and 30-45 minutes in the early afternoon.

This amount of time was a commitment. But also, it was extremely important goal for her, and she’s already cleared her calendar to have more than enough time each day.

It actually wasn’t that complicated.
It wasn’t dramatic at all.
It was just math.  

By the end of our session together, her body was so different than when we began. She seemed calm, open.

Thinking about it made me want to remind you of something:

Drama-free is a freaking amazing way to live.

Most big, scary things can, often, be accomplished with significantly less drama. And when you remove (or radically lessen) the drama, then it’s just execution.

And of course, sometimes it feels impossible to do them without drama. If that’s true for you, your first drama-removal step might be to get support. (This is something that I specialize in, if you’d like to work together.)

But consider a big project that you’re overwhelmed by:

How can you do it without drama?

Oh, and that client emailed me, months later, to say that she accomplished that goal beyond her wildest dreams.

The top MFA program in the country? IN.
Multiple fully-funded, also-top-notch MFA programs? IN, IN, IN.  

A huge congratulations to her for her massive talent.

And additional congratulations, of course, for her massively lower-drama execution.


As always, I’m rooting for you in the week ahead. You’ve got this.


p.s. Do you have something you want out of life — a concrete goal? Or maybe it’s just something you’d like to feel more of – calmer, more confident, more sparkly? Working with a life coach can help you not only accomplish that goal, but do so with so much more ease and less drama.

I have one opening for a new client to start in July. If you’d like to work with me, learn more here.

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