"I only know what I don't want" (or: "no"-only compasses) - Part III

I’m starting this year by sharing some core concepts that I find most helpful to my clients — our compass + our engine. My last few essays have been about our compasses (here, here, and here) –  and I wanted to share a final more core concept about compasses this week.

One final compass insight for you: 

Some people’s compasses — either for a period of time, or for always — only tell them what not to do. Don’t take this job, don’t get married to this person. But it never actually tells them what *to* do.

Katie Seaver, Life Coach, I only know what I don't want, what to do if you can't find meaning in life, simple life goals, how to make the right decision in life

In other words: “No”-only compasses exist.

The good news is that even though this is annoying, you actually can navigate through life with this just fine. It will work, and will work quite effectively — even with “no”-only signals.  

But you have to kind of get used to that process, too, and learn how to work with the compass you have — which, again, is not Google Maps.

As always, I’m rooting for you in the week ahead. You’ve got this.


p.s. If you’d like to do a total overhaul on your compass and/or engine this year, I highly recommend working with me 1:1. Here’s what one client said about her experiences working with me: 

“{…}It was truly life-changing. In a very short time, Katie was able to truly see me, probably better than anyone ever has, and more importantly she helped me be able to see myself - which I realized I had never actually done before. She really has a knack for reading the moment and knowing what is needed in that moment, while also knowing how that moment relates to the bigger picture.

I can't recommend Katie enough.”

— Celia

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Your engine + energy (Part I)


Compasses are kind of like iPhones (Your Compass, Part II)