A quiz that is also a coaching session

Here’s a quick quiz for you:  

  1. What’s your top priority in life right now?

  2. Some examples: Finally writing that novel, feeling calm and spacious, spending time with my family, taking excellent care of my body.

  3. How much of your time is spent actually spent on that priority, every day? Every week?

  4. Do you like your answer to #3?

  5. If not, what are you going to do about it?

Katie Seaver, life coach, No motivation or energy to do anything, life coach, how to make a change in your life, daily wellness, getting back on track

My observation is that many of us have something that matters a lot to us… but we do not live our lives like that thing matters a lot to us.

We say we really want to write that novel, but we almost never sit down to write.

We say time with our family is our top priority, but we are putting in longer hours at work than are truly necessary.

We say that we want to value our health, but we don’t do much in that direction.

In other words, we spend relatively little (or zero!) time on that thing that we supposedly “value.”

Yes, I can feel your objections through the internet. I’m so busy! I don’t know how to do the thing I want to do! It’s so hard!

But the point still applies.

Yes, there are lots of reasons that your life is out of alignment with your priorities.

But also: What are you going to do about it?

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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