
Here's the (kinda wacky) way I tried to make new friends as an adult

Sometime this spring, I found myself craving 1-2 more deep and meaningful friendships. I wanted friends who lived nearby (here’s why), who were deep, self-aware, and thoughtful, and who were willing to show up consistently to build a relationship.  

I wondered: What would be the most direct way to find these friends?

And then, in a flash of insight, it came to me: I should write a classified ad!

Katie Seaver, life coach, meeting new friends as an adult, HSP coach, how to make friends as an adult, how do I start making friends, how to have deeper friendships

So — as one does — I wrote a 6-page Google Doc. I described what I was looking for, who I was, and who my ideal friend might be. It included lots of references to feelings, showing up authentically, and high quality baked goods.

Then I took out an ad in Claire Mazur and Erica Cerulo’s awesome newsletter, linking to that Google Doc. 

Much to my surprise, it kinda… made a splash.

People were…fascinated by it. Excited by it. They wanted to do one themselves, and they wanted to know how my search was going!

Claire and Erica even invited me to come on their podcast to talk more about the process — what inspired me to do it, what I was looking for, and how it turned out so far.

If the idea of a friendship classified ad excites or intrigues you, here’s where you can take a listen.

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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Life coaching Life coaching

Are you looking to work with a certified life coach?

I’m back from maternity leave! It’s been a wonderful season of cuddles, smiles, and many, many diapers with my two new favorite people, but I’m excited to get back to coaching. I wanted to ask:

Would you like to work with me?

I have a few spots open for new individual coaching clients. I love to work with smart, thoughtful people who are willing to try something new.

Katie Seaver, life coach, Life coach los angeles, Best life coaches los angeles, best celebrity life coach, Life coach california, Personal coaching los angeles, Personal life coaching california, Certified professional life coach

Sometimes people think: My life isn’t absolutely *horrible.* Is coaching for me?

And I say: Maybe! Professional athletes know that if you want to go from good (or even “okay”) to great, you need a coach. Why not you?

It’s rare that we can work with someone who is 100% on our side, and who can give us useful feedback that is non-evaluative (I’m not your boss!), but is rather about helping us become the kinds of people that we yearn to be.

So many of us feel slightly “off,” or out of alignment with ourselves:

  • We feel like we’re “going through the motions” in our lives

  • We’re chronically a little (or a lot!) tired, stressed, anxious, or insecure

  • We’re out of sync with what we most value. Either we can’t say what those values are, or we know that we’re not effectively moving toward them.

If you’re feeling any of these things, coaching could be a great fit for you.

Many of us get a little set in our ways as we get older; coaching is one of those rare opportunities to reset — reset how we see ourselves, reset how we move through the world, and reset what is possible for us. I sometimes call it “moving around the furniture” inside of ourselves.

If this appeals, you can learn more about coaching (What is the process like? How long does it take? How much does it cost?) + schedule a free consultation with me, here.

And no matter what, I’m wishing you all the best.


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