
Don't go to war with yourself

Here’s a Sunday reminder:

“Don’t go to war with yourself.”

Katie Seaver, life coach, at war with myself, internal blame game, emotions and growth, managing anxiety

This is from spiritual teacher Adyashanti and his book The Impact of AwakeningInstead of going to war with yourself, Adya advises that you “simply inquire into who you are.”

{This is me, breathing a sigh of relief.}

As always, you’ve got this. I’m rooting for you.


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When you worry that you need too much

Here’s what I’ve been thinking about this week: 

“Most of us are accustomed to thinking that if our needs seem different from what “everyone else” needs, it must not be legitimate.

“Poppycock! Every single person is different. Think of all the different species of plants in the world. They’re all designed to thrive and bloom in different kinds of environments. They need different temperatures and soils, different amounts of water, and shade.

“An African violet, for example, which needs at least twelve hours of sunlight a day to grow and bloom, certainly doesn’t sit around thinking, ‘I shouldn’t need so much sun. I should like living in the shade.’ I think people have at least as much right to have different and exacting needs as plants do.”

Katie Seaver, life coach, do I need too much, how to deal with a lot of emotions, self-doubt, how to be confident

(This is from Helene Brenner’s lovely book, I Know I’m In There Somewhere: A Woman’s Guide of Finding Her Inner Voice and Living a Life of Authenticity.)

I wish you a week focused on the joyful fulfillment of your own “different and exacting needs.”

You’ve got this.


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