
Life coaching Life coaching

What’s possible with help from a life coach

Yesterday, I was talking to a client of mine.  

He was telling me how great he’s feeling.

He’s super excited about the big career shift he’s about to make, but he also feels happy and focused at his current job.

Plus, he feels happy in his life as a whole. He’s started tinkering in the creative hobbies that make him fulfilled, he’s taking good care of his body, and he’s managing his energy and his time well. He’s put in effort to cultivate deeper relationships.

Katie Seaver, life coach, how to find a good life coach los angeles, life coach orange county, life coach beverly hills, life coach Pasadena, life coaching california, life coaching san diego, life coach blog, los angeles mindset coach

But just three months ago, it was a very different story.

I felt so overwhelmed, anxious, and so tired back then, he reminded me. I really didn’t think there was a way out. When we started working together, I just hoped I’d feel a tiny bit better.

Our conversation yesterday was about what thriving means to him, and what other opportunities there might be — beyond what he’s done already —  to be thriving more consistently.

It would have felt *insane* to say that I wanted to be “thriving” when we started working together, he told me. I had no idea all this was possible.

And yet, here we are: thriving.

Just three months later.

I don’t tell you this story so that you can beat yourself up. Maybe you do feel overwhelmed or tired or anxious now. 

I tell you this story to say: look what is possible.

Look at what is possible when you decide that you don’t want to feel this way anymore.

Look at what is possible when you decide: maybe I don’t have to figure it all out on my own.  

So many people have been stuck in their lives + their heads for so long, that they don’t think feeling different, or being different, is possible.

Sure, maybe some small tweaks. But a big, life-shifting transformation like this? That kind of thing doesn’t really happen.

I want to say, with all the love in my heart:

You’re wrong.

Transformation is possible.

Look at what is possible.

And, as someone who has been coached extensively, and coached many others — 1:1 life coaching is one of the most potent vehicles for transformation I know.

If you’d like to learn more about coaching, and potentially become one of my clients, you can apply here.

And, as always, I’m rooting for you in the week ahead. You’ve got this.


p.s. I’m starting to have conversations now with potential clients for a September/October 2021 start. I fill spots on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you’re interested in working with me, I’d recommend applying sooner rather than later. Here’s the link to apply.

p.p.s. And above all: maybe what’s possible for you is more than you dare to hope for.

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