
Life coaching Life coaching

The difference between reading a tip and actually making changes (hint: getting a coach can help)

A lot of people think that they just need a good tip in order to solve their problem. Just the right piece of advice.

But here’s the thing: Advice and tips – they’re easy to find.  

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Google any topic.
Walk into any bookstore.
Read any self-development newsletter.  

You’ll find lots of tips on any topic — including whatever is bothering you right now.

How to feel less anxious, stressed, stuck, or uninspired.
How to stop using food or the internet in a way you don’t like.
How to work fewer hours without sacrificing quality.
How to heal from burnout.
How to have a better relationship with your partner, your friends, yourself.

There’s nothing wrong with tips — they can be quite useful. (Especially this essay, of course.)

And yet.

And yet, you could probably rattle off a list of “tips” to deal with any problem you currently have.

And yet, you still have those problems, don’t you?

But if you really want to change in a meaningful, lasting way — tips are usually not enough.

If you really want to change in a meaningful, lasting way —that’s when you need life coaching.

Every client I’ve worked with has incredibly personalized reasons why they’re in the stuck or anxious or tired or uninspired state they’re in. Working with me can help you identify those roadblocks — which are usually blind spots that you genuinely cannot see — and develop new, profoundly individualized ways of interpreting and responding to the same situations.

Then, we talk about actions. Sure, there might be a tip or two you’ve heard of before — but that’s not the real value. The real value is that you have a step-by-step, iterative, genuinely-doable process to get you from here to where you want to be.

No advice you read in a book or internet article could ever be so uniquely customized to your very particular fears, needs, strengths, and weaknesses.

I really hope you love these essays – but coaching with me is completely different than these essays.

It’s the difference between reading about an idea…and actually making a change that is profoundly right for you.

It’s way better.

I maintain a small, high-end 1:1 life coaching practice. If you’d like to be my next client, learn more or reach out here.

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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