
Life coaching Life coaching

Big news: I've got a podcast coming!

Have you heard the big news? I’m launching a podcast in October!

It’s called Now We’re Getting Somewhere, and I’ll be talking, deeply + practically, about the topics that are closest to my heart: how to have a life that’s more meaningful, happier, less exhausting, and also, more productive and successful.

I’m so excited about the chance to talk to you more directly — while you’re taking a walk around the block, driving, or doing the dishes.

I’ve already created episodes for you on:

  • How to cultivate your internal compass

  • Healing from burnout (This became an epic two-part-er)

  • My intentional technology journey — and practices you can try

And! I’m currently planning a Q&A episode on dating — which is one of my favorite topics to coach on, but I haven’t written about that much in this newsletter. I’ll also be bringing a special secret guest to help me answer them.

Do you have any dating questions you’d like me to answer? You can submit them here.

And because I can’t resist, here’s the podcast art!

I can’t wait to share this project with you. Hope you’re getting as excited as I am :)

Of course, you’ve got this.


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