Your 90th percentile self

A lil’ reminder for you today: 

It’s a good idea to plan for your Average Self, not your 90th Percentile Self.

Your 90th percentile self is at the 90th Percentile of your capabilities. She’s operating on all cylinders! She’s killing it! But she’s only there 10% of the time.

And assuming that she will be there every day leads you to be less effective, not more. 

If you’re planning for your 90th Percentile Self every day (when he’s only really there 10% of the time) — you will be prioritizing differently than if you assumed your Average Self was going to show up. 

And when your Average Self does show up + gets less done, more slowly + distractedly (because, well, that’s what happens) — he may not be getting the right things done with that limited time. 

This leads to chronic stress and frustration and that common refrain: “I need more time!” Sure, more time is always appreciated, but the more immediate issue is you aren’t getting the most important things done in the time you do have. 

And, oh: You’ll probably be disappointed with your day (and perhaps yourself) 90% of the time. 

So shall we say it again? It’s typically a good idea to plan for your average-self, not your 90th percentile self.

We know this — but all of us (me included) need this reminder sometimes.  

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this. 


p.s. Want to work with me? I have three openings for new 1:1 clients in November. My 1:1 clients have a very special place in my heart — ​learn more here.

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