Hello from maternity leave!

I wanted to share that I’m officially on maternity leave for the next several months. During this time, I’ll still be posting regularly here, but it will be some of my favorite essays from the last couple of years — the ones that readers have told me resonated with them the most. If you’d like to get my essays via twice-monthly emails, feel free to sign up here.

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Once I catch my breath, I'm hoping to share at least a bit on Instagram, so you can join me there, if you'd like — I’d certainly love to see you.

Next week, we’ll be back to essays. But for now, please know that I’m rooting for you in the week ahead. And please root for me as I encounter what may be the greatest challenge of my life — two infants!

We’ve got this :)


p.s. If you’re craving an encouraging essay this weekend, may I recommend this blast from the past? Particularly if you’ve got any kind of achy sadness or anxiousness.

p.p.s. The boys aren’t here quite yet! But fingers crossed they’ll be here soon :)


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