My intentions: Holiday burnout edition

Thanksgiving is done, December lies ahead.


If you’re anything like me, you might not need more “self development ideas and insights” in this exact moment. You might feel a little full-to-the-brim with a combination of turkey, pecan pie, and social plans.

So instead, I wanted to ask: what are your intentions for December?

Katie Seaver, life coach, setting intentions, what to do when life feels hard, why is my brain so tired, burning out during the holidays, feeling overwhelmed during the holidays

When I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and really answer that question, here’s my honest answer: I want to take good care of myself in December.

My life has been — shall we say — energetically expensive this year (actually, the past two or three years, but who’s counting?). I’ve been saving as much energy as I can, but the “energy bill” is coming in high nonetheless.

If I’m being honest, I felt some grief that “take good care of myself” was my honest intention for December.

I would have preferred a more “glamorous” answer, like:

Really enjoy the holiday season!

Make tons of holiday memories!

Go sledding and have an incredible birthday party and really decorate for Christmas!

But my honest answer remained the same: I want to take good care of myself this month.

And look, holidays will be had. I’m excited to light a menorah with my 3-year-olds, to decorate a tree, to make Christmas cookies.

But also, I’m purposefully keeping things simple:

  • I’d like to eventually have more holiday décor for our home, but I won’t be buying it this year. #I’vemadeenoughdecisionsalready

  • My birthday is in December, and I often enjoy a party with friends, but this year will just be a small, family dinner.

  • We’ll probably wait to make Christmas cookies until the new year. (Hey, chocolate-dipped shortbread also tastes delicious on January 1!)

I wish I had more “glamorous” intentions… but I don’t. Yes, I feel some grief about that — but I also feel profound gratitude towards myself, for listening so carefully to my deepest desires.

I share this personal note, not because you care when I make chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies — but with the hopes that it gives you permission to honestly acknowledge your most authentic intentions.

Whether you want to play or hibernate, grow or contract, connect or fall apart – I hope you’ll give yourself a loving ear, and follow what you hear.

What are your intentions for December? I’ll be rooting for you.


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