On knowing what doesn't apply to you

One of the most profound skills you can acquire is the capacity to know what doesn’t apply to you.

Katie Seaver, life coach, how do you deal with too many goals, life goals, how do I figure out my life goals, finding meaning in life, how do you make a major life decision, what do I want for myself

Maybe you read some great advice about making friends. But maybe that doesn’t apply to you — living in tune with your current priorities could require spending what free time you do have… alone.

Maybe you read some great advice about productivity or professional growth. But maybe that doesn't apply to you — maybe you need to worry less about your professional life, and more about your personal life, right now.

Maybe you read some great advice about saving money. But maybe that doesn’t apply to you — living in tune with your current priorities could require spending money.

The advice could be about health or cultivating a creative practice. It could be useful. Profound.

But it might not apply to you.

A thought exercise for today:

  • What ideas, hacks, or tips are you struggling to implement?

  • Is it possible that they don’t actually apply to you right now?

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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