"I have everything I want. Why am I not happy?"

Recently, several of my clients have been telling me that they — amazingly, wonderfully — have achieved something they used to dream of.  

Katie Seaver, life coach, I have everything I want why am I not happy, how do I tell my truth, I only know what I don't want, being in tune with yourself, why am I so jealous of others' success

They have the pool, the salary, the first-class seats they dreamed of as a young girl whose parents struggled financially.

They have the international social-impact job they dreamed of as a big-hearted twenty-something.

They have the baby, the relationship, the house, they dreamed of as a former version of themselves.

And yet.

And yet, it looks different from here.
It feels different from here.
Often, it doesn’t feel as absolutely incredible as they thought.  

There’s a lot I could say, to this current version of you. (Frankly, this is often the seed that kicks off entire 1:1 coaching engagements.)

But here, today, I just want to say: don’t be the prisoner of your past self’s dream.

Your past self didn’t want you to be stuck, tired, or unhappy. You past self could not have possibly known what the view would look like from here.

Give yourself permission to dream something new.

I’ll say it again: Give yourself permission to dream something new.

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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