Two reminders about decision-making + what others will think

Two quick reminders about other people + decision-making:

Katie Seaver, life coach, what will others think of me, identity and belonging, how to make everyone like me, caring too much what others think, HSP coach, HSP life coach near me

1. Other people may not understand a decision you make, but that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong decision.

It’s simply the nature of life that sometimes you will make a decision that doesn’t make sense to them — or one that seems wrong or misguided.

No one — again, no one — will ever 100% “get you” like you get you. Even your soulmate. Even your best friend. Even your therapist.

(In other words: “This is your game.”)

2. Can you let them be wrong about you?

When other people doubt us, we often assume it means that we’re wrong.

But the Jedi-level Skill is the ability to do the opposite.

A Jedi has the capacity to say to herself: They’re simply mistaken.

And: I’m willing to let them be wrong about me. 

I got this insight from Brooke Castillo, and it’s quite radical. If you can get comfortable with the idea that people will sometimes be wrong about you — and this can be okay, and you do not have to change their minds — you might just be ready to conquer the world.  

(This is not, of course, to suggest that blind, unjustified confidence is the goal. It’s simply to say: the other person isn’t always right, either — and you get to decide what’s true.)

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.


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